Yesterday (6 April 2015) the Tobacco Display Ban was introduced into all small retail shops in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The ban means tobacco displays have to be hidden from public view. Compared to traditionally having cigarette packs on show behind the counter, shops have to cover their tobacco products.
Like the approaching standardised cigarette packaging that hopes to come into action next year, this display ban hopes to discourage people from smoking and decrease the number of young smokers.
The Tobacco Display Ban on Small Retailers
Smokers are known to start smoking at a younger age and the government hopes the new restrictions will discourage people from smoking because cigarettes will no longer be on obvious display.
Starting from yesterday, small retailers have to conform to the new rules or they will be breaking the law.
In 2012, the display ban was introduced into large supermarkets and retailers and now the ban also affects small shops. So far, it’s not clear whether the display ban has had a dramatic effect on the number of smokers but it’s a drastic change for the tobacco business.
If small retailers have to comply with the new changes, what does it mean for shops that specialise in the selling of tobacco? How can they conform to the new changes?
What does the Tobacco Display Ban mean for Tobacco Shops?
It’s impossible to expect a shop that primarily sells tobacco to be asked to hide all their stock. It would be a very plain and empty shop otherwise.
As a specialist in buying and selling tobacco, there are different advertising rules for Tobacco Specialists to follow.
The current legislation claims shops that specialise in the selling of tobacco do not have to hide their products within the shop.
There are simple guidelines any tobacco specialists have to follow so they can continue displaying tobacco in their store.
The current regulations highlight that for a tobacco specialist to continue selling and displaying tobacco inside their shop, all their tobacco products cannot be “visible from outside the shop.”
There are still specific health warning advertisements that have to be included but there are no major changes placed on tobacco shops.
Tobacco Specialists has conformed to the advertising changes by installing frosted glass windows to prevent people from seeing into the shop. By altering the visibility of the windows they are abiding by the new rules.
Tobacco Specialists have also said, “We cannot display cigars, pipes, or tobacco products in [the] window.â€
Although tobacco shops have to comply with certain advertising restrictions, they are mainly exempt from yesterday’s display ban.
In recent years, there have been drastic changes to the advertising of tobacco in the UK but it will take time to see if they have any major impact on the number of smokers.